END of the 3rd year
So, it’s glad that I got my laptop again.
It has been a long time, I tried to summarize the past three years but the macbook got locked accidentally before I could have done anything. It was like suffering without it. Being savvy enough to set a more complex firmware password, but at the same time being careless to forget about it. That’s really funny.
And there’s a lot more that I’d like to say. Those thoughts were mostly lost in time I suppose, albeit they unlocked laptop in just one day.
So, what have I done in the past three years? Have I made the right choice? Not sure for now.
So far, the topics have been focused on two main part - actuators and automatic control theories. The fundamental basics of the former is the circuit analysis, and then about the magenet, its field and different kinds of motors. As for the latter, more about mathematics, the behaviour of the system, phase portrait, all kinds of controls and blah, blah.
In short, that could be all the important part. But this could be too short. The most complex control task that I dealt with is the double inverted pendulum. so the thing here is that, the controlled input is directly applied to be the cart under an ideal condition, which is, no need to consider how the force could be generated. So, this is actually how the problem should be split. So far the control of actuators have been simple and I currently have no way to achieve desired level of performance.
OK, I think I’ve got more clue now.
See if I could think of anything else in the following days.